Thursday, June 19, 2008

Have a great Biotech Midsummer!

Hello, I spoke with Elias today and we try to arrange a Skype conference after the midsummer about the next step in Biotouch.

We'll have a meeting with Seppo, Pekka, a third person and myself in Helsinki June 26. We talk about how to attract financing for Biotouch, and how to build a structure and become more organized.

The Finnish forestry industry is in trouble with excess capacity, high cost of raw materials, energy and the low value of US dollar. We are going to see more closures of mills in the coming months.

Kemira is downscaling and concentrating on WATER. 1 000 employees has to go out of ten thousand globally.

We need a new biotech industrial base. The traditional pulp and paper could benefit from biotech and microbiology based innovative approaches. We've ideas, tools, and concepts but need to get a stronger organization to transfer the promises to real functional processes and services.

Have a great midsummer!


Juha V. Mentu said...

There have been economical depressions of pulp and paper industry already earlier - during my career in paper industry, already twice.

Current desperate feelings in this sector have originated from economy (again). Paper and board are needed continuously today, but their production costs shall be minimized.

An efficient service, coming outside of paper industry and focusing on their needs for continuous drive, better quality and easier control of processes is one important part of BIOTOUCH. The spare of money when applying it can also be shown.

New inventions, based on inventionary thinking and knowledge of P&P industry are also needed.

All forces shall now be connected towards BIOTOUCH concept. I am looking forward to participate net meetings to have progress of these topics!

Have a good late June!

Juha V. Mentu said...

Hello, members of BIOTOUCH!

We are moving from Jyväskylä city to Muuratsalo (17 km from city center) on this week.

I will, however, reserve time for a Skype meeting whenever you inform me about date and time.

I have another problem: I am working with mobile net connection during a couple of weeks. I still hope that 7M in city is enough for the meeting.


Helge Keitel said...

Macarena, Juha and Elias, how about a Skype meeting on Friday this week. I'll be in Helsinki on Thursday. We're [Seppo, Pekka and myself] looking at Biotouch financing alternatives and options.

We've changed the strategy somewhat. The focus is now on emerging market conditions and applications that can be monetized.

Biotouch services to industries are certainly one area. But what could be done in the field of process development?
