Saturday, June 14, 2008

The Stockholm Water Front

The Stockholm Water Front is a forum for global water issues No 1, April 2008:
  1. 15 000 liters of water for 1 kg of beef
  2. 40 liters of water for 1 slice of wheat bread
  3. 5 000 liters of water for 1 kg of cheese
Water is the key to climate change adaption. A changing climate will have increasingly grave consequences for the world's poorest, most vulnerable people.

Water is central to both climate change and human development, and most of the effects of climate change will hit us through water.

The developed countries, mainly responsible for historic greenhouse emissions, have not yet delivered on the real commitment. Action of mitigation is too slow, and promises to finance adaption have been largely ignored.

"If we are to tackle climate change, ample and additional resources are needed", writes Karin Laxén, Swedish Water House in the Stockholm Water Front.

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