easternblot.net: "BioBarCamp is full. Posted on Thursday 24 July 2008 by Eva @ 12:18 pm. Filed under: BioBarCamp and Site Updates.
"BioBarCamp is officially full as of a few days ago. It had to be capped off at 75 because the IFTF doesn’t actually fit 100 people as well as was initially hoped. I will be there, even though I feel highly incompetent compared to the rest of the guest list. Some people who are going to SciFoo are attending BioBarCamp the day before, which accounts for the high number of talented and awesome people. I’m there in the middle of my California vacation, so I’m probably exhausted by that time (Trips organized by me always strongly resemble The Amazing Race. I would be so good on that show…," writes Eva.
She continues on her blog:
"I’m going to pre-blog a bunch of things before I leave next week, so you won’t even know that I’m gone. It’s not like there has been much action on this blog lately anyway. If you leave a comment during that time and it needs moderating, I might be a bit slower in approving it. (Your comments are auto-approved if you use the same name and e-mail address as you use on a previously approved comment. ) I am staying with friends a couple of times during my trip, but other days I am spending almost entirely on Greyhound buses, so my internet access will be intermittent."
Who is Eva?
Easternblot.net is owned, edited, and mostly written by Eva, a PhD candidate in Biochemistry. Eva writes original articles that bring a scientific twist to topics such as carrots , cats , CSI, fringe theatre, or musicians. She also obsessively surfs the internet to find interesting websites and visits local science/culture events. Eva also writes for other publications, including Hypothesis Journal, for which she is an editor. She volunteers for the outreach programs Let’s Talk Science and Kids Science. She also plays violin and takes photos, but rarely finds the time to write handwritten letters or watch TV anymore.
Helge: I blogged about BioBarCamp to make a note that we could arrange such an event in Finland to discuss the Biotouch themes.
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