Sunday, June 15, 2008

Biofuel made from Wood

Another good alternative to produce Biofuel is to use wood as the raw material. There are three basic approaches that are the most promising for making liquid fuels from wood. These are producing: methanol, ethanol, and diesel fuel (of course other liquid fuels from wood are possible to produce).

Currently Shell and Choren Industries finished building a manufacturing plant for BTL (biomass-to-liquid). In this plant forest residues, waste wood, fast-growing timber and agricultural residues can be used as biomass for production purposes (Choren).

There are four significant reasons why wood fuel has been proven to be beneficial (LC Energy):

• It is inexpensive (cheaper than domestic gas, oil, LPG and electricity).

• It will not run out if it comes from sustainable woodlands.

• It is carbon neutral (90% less than when burning fossils).

• It reduces the dependence on fuel imports and price uncertainty

Is it good for the environment? lJOkdnhkelifhjkndskhsidndslifdfhd Image by
As said before, wood burning doesn’t release more CO2 than when it biodegrades; therefore it doesn’t add more pollution to the environment.

A problem that might rise, if biofuel from wood is mass-produced, is that the companies have to be aware that they should cut trees sustainably. Because if all the forest where felled, it will lead to deforestation and habitat destruction. As a result of that possibility there has to be a conservation plan in all companies that allows chopping some trees to produce biofuels, but then re-foresting the area and taking care of the animal and plant species that live there.


Helge Keitel said...

Hi, good story, just a small spelling thing in the headline:

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Biofuel made form Wood

Should be

Sunday, June 15, 2008
Biofuel made from Wood

Have a nice Sunday!

- Helge

Juha V. Mentu said...

Hello everybody!

I am recalling those inventions which were applied to achieve by-products of pulp&paper industry in Finland until ca. 90's.

Ethanol, of course. Large-scale production of ethanol took place in Finland during the era of sulphite pulp manufacture.

Another good example was the production of yeast from sugar-containing waste waters.

To have ethanol, carbohydrates of wood material shall be first fermentated by certain microbes? What about methanol? And what is the composition of diesel gasoline?

New, interesting issues to learn - I have to find my old wood chemistry lessons...

Looking forward to learn more about biofuels!

- My composting system seems to work relatively well. The only problem is to start a new unit every spring because a combination of household material (minority) and deposits of pine forest will be processed very slowly by microorganisms.

Maybe we can find new, potential flora for biodegradation of compost material with PMEU method?


Juha V. Mentu said...

A newsletter from UPM Kymmene Oyj was received by me today. Unfortunately it is only in Finnish but - short to say - it seems that the recovery of organic compounds from Kymi pulp mill will be increased today by the start of modern recovery plant. This new plant helps to rise the use of biofuel as well as double the production of bioelectricity.

The effluents of pulp mills contain valuable raw materials for converting processes of biotechnology. Their use as nutrients for biological waste water treatment plants only is definitely waste of resources because too high C:N and C:P ratio of these water fractions. A significant portion of carbohydrates could definitely be used for different kind of fermentations. Technical solutions for the benefit of these compounds are already available today.


(UPM, Helsinki, 10.7.2008 klo 09.00) – UPM:n Kymin sellutehtaan kemikaalien talteenottolaitoksen uusinta on valmistunut Kuusankoskella. Uusi laitos on aloittanut toimintansa kuukauden koekäytön jälkeen. Koekäyttöä edelsivät mittavat tuotantolinjojen liitäntätyöt, joiden aikana paperitehdas oli kuuden päivän seisokissa toukokuun lopussa.
Uuden talteenottolaitoksen rakennustyöt käynnistyivät toukokuussa 2006. Talteenottolaitos on UPM:n ja koko Suomen metsäteollisuuden suurin hanke, joka työllisti enimmillään 1 057 henkilöä. Investoinnin lopullinen arvo on yli 340 miljoonaa euroa.

Kymin uusi kemikaalien talteenottolaitos korvaa kaksi vanhentunutta talteenottolinjaa yhdellä nykyaikaisella laitoksella. Investoinnin jälkeen Kymi on erittäin kilpailukykyinen sellutehtaan ja kahden paperikoneen hienopaperi-integraatti, jonka paperin tuotantokapasiteetti on 840 000 tonnia vuodessa.

Uusi talteenottolaitos parantaa Kymin energiaomavaraisuutta ja tuotantotehokkuutta sekä vähentää fossiilisia hiilidioksidipäästöjä. Uuden laitoksen myötä biopolttoaineiden käyttöä voidaan lisätä ja biosähkön tuotantokapasiteetti kaksinkertaistuu. Myös hajukaasut ja ilmapäästöt vähenevät.

Kemikaalien talteenotto kuuluu sellunvalmistuksen pääprosesseihin. Talteenottolaitoksen tehtävänä on sellun keitossa käytettyjen kemikaalien talteenotto ja palautus uudelleen käyttöön. Samalla keitossa liuennut puuaines hyödynnetään energiaksi.

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Thanks for sharing, nice post.

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